GRG case

West Kowloon Cultural and Drama Center, Hong Kong, China






The application location of GRG materials at the West Kowloon Cultural and Drama Center in Hong Kong, China: ceiling and wall.

The Opera Center, located to the east of the West Kowloon Cultural District in Hong Kong, resembles traditional Chinese lanterns in appearance, and its entrance design resembles a stage curtain, stepping into it feels like stepping onto the stage. The opening of the Chinese Opera Center plays an important role in inheriting and disseminating traditional Chinese culture. It is hoped that the essence of Chinese opera can be showcased to the world through the opera center, while also helping to enhance Hong Kong's position as an international metropolis.

The West Kowloon Cultural and Drama Center in Hong Kong, China will become a world-class comprehensive cultural and artistic district that integrates culture, art, and public entertainment.

Guangzhou Shengfan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is fortunate to have participated in the ceiling part of the theater. The circular acoustic features of the grand theater come from a winding curve designed jointly with the architect. Composed of a wooden lining, gaps and insulation materials are used in strategic areas to absorb or disperse sound, while surface features are arranged to control the loudness of the orchestra, maintain clarity, and project sound clearly. This allows the sound and image to be accurately focused on the singer, and allows performers who prefer natural acoustics (without amplification) to use a supportive but clear indoor sound effect like traditional ones.

Contact Us

Contact: Guangzhou Shengfan New Material Technology Co., Ltd., China

Phone: +86 13570344292

Whatsapp: +8615994885517


Add: Room 1208, Building 8, No. 6, Nanjiang Second Road, the Pearl River Street, Nansha District, Guangzhou